Trail # 414 – Fuck the Irish! Fucked by Mapquest & Scouts On Her


Do you really need a paragraph explaining that the Irish Channel parade is this weekend and we’re prelubing? Yeah, didn’t think so. You got this shit handled.

Also, we will be giving out hash awards at circle!

Bring:  $1 (no coins please); six pack of beer, flashlight and whistle.

Date:  Thursday March 12, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme: Fuck the Irish!

Hares: Fucked by Mapquest & Scouts On Her

Beer Hare: Under Cummer

Start: Tracey’s , 2604 Magazine St., NOLA 70130

Prelube: Tracey’s

On-After: Eye of the Camel’s Birthday Party, address announced in circle

Dog Friendly: Yes

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? No


Hash Announcements

Voodoo Campout 2015 –   Price goes up on the 19th of March! April 3-5 at the Ren Faire Grounds in Hammond. Rego is up so sign up before the next price bump! Got questions email More info here

Going to campout and want to help out with trail, planning, ideas etc.? Please email or

NOH3 Green Dress Run – Sunday, March 15, 2015. Please see the NOH3 website or FB for more information.

Pensacola RDR – May 29-31, 2015. Rego is up!

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