Trail # 534 – Monty Python and the Holy Beer (er..grail) – Fucked by Mapquest, Sir Yacksalot, and KW3
Bring: $1 ( no coins), 6-pack (glass discouraged), flashlight, whistle Date: 30 March, 2017 6:30 Show, 7 pm Go Theme: Monty Python and The Holy Beer (Er Grail) – Join the geographically challenged maiden, the noble no-Fireball drinking knight, and some Aussie guy (Patsy??) as they lay a trail for the noble (cough, choke, cough) lords and ladies of the hash for the most noblest of quests, the Holy Grail (and if we can’t find that, beer will do nicely). Brush up on your counting skills (perhaps a checkback of 5, er, 3 will be on trail), avoid the Holy Hand Grenades (water balloons??), …
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