Pre-lube tonight at Parlay’s Finn McCool’s

Apologies to Hobo for moving the Pre-lube to Parlay’s earlier. Nothing malicious, just thought it was easier to drink before we drink three minutes from start of the run instead of a different part of the city, but my fuck up is causing a lot of confusion so, everyone goto Mid-city at 5!

I couldn’t think of anything witty to tie in throwing up a link of the Saints going to the Superbowl and the Who-Dat Nation with a Pre-Lube tonight. So, just watch these videos to get pumped about this weekend and get to Mid-city after work today (5ish) to get pumped about running in Shitty Park. Finn’s has guinness, a juke box, and bunch of strange people who walk in constantly, but that’s why we love it. Show up and do an Irish car bomb. You’ll need a buzz for this week’s run. Dickie won’t call and cancel the rain tonight, so it looks like TWOT won’t be the only person getting wet on trail this week.

Everything Butt Sex

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