Trail #700 – The 700 Club

Welcome to the 700 Club. We are blessed to have you and we are ready for you to hear our Hashvangelists spread the good word during this #hashtag blessed night of the Voodoo Hash. We are embraced and enlightened tonight by the Hares, the Hounds, and the Holy Caskets. We hope to open your hearts (if you have one) and probably your legs (if you have those)… on this enlightening pilgrimage throughout our BLEST city. We welcome you to see the miracles amongst us. If you can’t see it, you should believe it. Because that’s how religion works.

Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glassdiscouraged), a dog, whistle, flashlight (highly recommend)

Date: Thursday, February 6th

Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!

Theme: The 700 Club

 Start Address: Superior Grill 3636 St. Charles Ave

Hare & Co-Hares: Just Caitlin, In the Kitchen, Jackrophiliac

Beer hare: Petrified Wood

Pre-Lube: Superior Grill 3636 St. Charles 

On-After: Prytania Bar 3445 Prytania St.

Dog Friendly: Trail—yes! Bars, no :( sorry pups!

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? No we don’t have time for that we only have the word of god
 Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 3.5

 Trail is A to A!

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