Congratulations, you’re [probably] part of the 76% of Americans who forget to stretch before doing any physical activity. It’s that time once again– it’s the Thursday before Thanksgiving, so let’s hustle before everyone just literally stops caring about their health. Come join us at the ~FOURTH ANAL HEAVYWEIGHTS FAT CAMP HASH~. This year we head to Old Metairie on a trail to whip you into shape. Like any good camper knows, contraband abounds, so catch up with your Chipmunk Bunk, find your treats on trail and maybe break a sweat- after this trail, you’ll eat success for breakfast (with skim milk).
Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), hustle, whistle, flashlight (highly recommend)
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Theme: Fat Camp IV: Come On You Devil Log!
Start Address: Fat Boy’s Pizza (2565 Metairie Rd, 70001)
Hare & Co-hares: Petrified Wood & In the Kitchen
Beer hare: TBD
Pre-Lube: Martine’s Lounge (2347 Metairie Rd, 70001)
On-After: Martine’s Lounge (2347 Metairie Rd, 70001)
Dog Friendly: Trail-yes, on after- no.
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? Perkisystems uniform (your parents will be billed automatically), hustle, deli meats
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 4 miles
Trail is A to A,
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