Trail# 678 – STEM

R U a Nerd? Do you like problem solving? Well, grab your scantron sheet and #2 pencil because this trail is for you! Simply being fast will get failing marks, while a TI-85 and a broad understanding of STEM courses will have you at the top of the class! There will be a bunch of question checks (?) along trail, and the hounds will be forced to solve each problem to find out which way to proceed. Don’t bother searching for trail either as it’ll be a good bit before you find out whether or not you’ve passed the test. Chalk will be provided so you can show your work, and just cheat off your neighbor if you’ve got a case of the dumbs. We hope to see you ON-IN class!

Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight

Date: 9/12/19

Time: 6:30 show, 7:00 go

Theme: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), hot teacher and nerd outfits will get you an A+

Start address: Melius Bar
1701 Lake Ave, Metairie, LA 70005

Hares: What’s Warm and Missionary Position for the Purpose of Procreation (MP3)

Beer Hare: Petrified Wood

Prelube: Melius Bar (see above)

On-After: Melius Bar

Approximate true trail: pi to pi + 0.5 miles & A to A

Puppers: Yes, please! Not allowed inside on-after bar

Shiggly level: Low to middling

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