Trail #569 “Addams Family Haunted House Tour” – What’s Warm & In the Kitchen

They’re freaky and they’re floozy,
Breast obsessed and boozy,
Don’t forget your koozie,
The Hashing Family.Their trails are a disaster,
Down Downs for running faster,
You’ll probably end up plastered,
The Hashing Family.So get your hapi coat on,

The hares now are long gone,
True trail, that means ON ON!
The Hashing Family!
Please join your hosts for an evening stroll through our macabre, hellish, and all other ways delightful grounds! Be prepared for all manner of tricks and treats- bring a good spirit and also yourself and you’ll have the time of your afterlife!
Bring: FLASHLIGHT!!!!! $1; 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, Ouija Board
Date:Thursday, October 26th, 2017
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Theme: Addams Family Haunted House Tour
Start: Corner of Marconi & Harrison (sounds familiar- caddy corner to last week), across Harrison from the softball fields
Hares: What’s Warm & In the Kitchen?
Beer Hare: PussyWhisker
Prelube: The Basin (152 West Harrison Ave.)
On After: The Basin (152 West Harrison Ave.)Dog Friendly? Trail – Yes. On After – yes, with leash.Extra crap needed for trail? FLASHLIGHT! You will 100% need a flashlight.

Approx. True Trail: 3 or 4 miles.  T/E split.

WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY  – *Bonus Hash* Nov. 1st will be our Anal Black Dress Run in honor of Dia de Muertos (aka Day of the Dead) hared by the fabulous and big-dicked (educated guess) ¿Quesa-Did-Her?. Regular hash time & rules, trail will be in the FQ, start at Woldenberg Park.
Jolly Roger H3’s 11th Anal Pirate Invasion Hash Cruise will leave from the Port of New Orleans in 2018. Both NOH3 and VDH3 will be coordinating their regular weekly hashes to start/end/run by JRH3’s TBD hash hotel. VDH3 trails effected will be 3/15/18 and 3/22/18. Stay tuned for super smart and fun details from your MM!¡ These trails will likely have a 100+ attendees so hare/s must be selected or approved.
Phew, I’m sick of talking…
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