Trail #555 – “Weird Science/Moon Landing” Enough Already & Jackropheliac

Whether you believe it or not, today is the anniversary of the day that men went to the moon! Let’s celebrate the achievements of the past because the future is looking kind of bleak. And let’s get weird! This is the WEIRD SCIENCE/ MOON LANDING Trail. Dress as a MAD SCIENTIST or a SPACEPERSON. The choice is yours.
Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight
Date: Thursday, July 20th, 2017
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Start Address: 2501 St Louis (map TBD)
Hare & Co-hares: Enough Already and Jackrophiliac
Beer hare: Pussy Whisker
Pre-Lube: Side Bar
On-After: 12 Mile or The Drifter
Dog Friendly: Unfortunately No
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? Nope
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 3.4 miles. No walkers trail. 
Trail is A to A(ish)
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