Trail #427 – 4th Anal German Sparkle Party! ReTardis & Conjugal Visitor


german sparkle party



German Sparkle Party Video

Ja, it zat time of ze year. Ze Gerhmans are cumming and zey are fabulous.

Bring your party pants, rubber boot, and hahahahahaha (creepy laugh). As always, BY SHOWING UP AT THE HASH YOU AGREE TO BE GLITTER BOMBED. If you don’t show up in costume, your are guaranteed to be glitter bombed (and probably champagned) Dog and walker friendly.


Bring: $1 (no coins please), a 6-pack , flashlight, & whistle. Party pants and rubber boots highly recommended!

Date: Thursday May7, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme: 4th Anal German Sparkle Party

Hares (s): ReTardis & Conjugal Visitor

Beer Hare: Antaphylactic Cock

Start:Field at Mazant St and Royal Street, NOLA 70117

Prelube: J & J Sports Lounge, 800 Frances St, NOLA 70117

On-After: TBA

Dog Friendly: Yes

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail? Be prepared for ze glitter bombings

Hash Announcements

Hash Erections – If you have done 10 trails or more please pick up your ballot when you check in with hash cash Hash Erections Info Sheet

Hash Awards! – If you are due an award this Thursday is the night to cum out for circle!

Pensacola RDR – May 29-31, 2015. Rego is up!

New Orleans Red Dress Run – August 7-9 for hashers! Rego earlier rather than later!


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