Trail # 373 – 2nd Anal Life Aquatic Hash! Pussy Whisker, Scouts on Her, Intents to Pee, Kiwiwiwi


 We want you to join our team. The team Zissou team! Get your red caps, your red speedos’ and  your blue track suits ready.  And any interns (Virgins)  you’re willing to  trade  to pirates  for the freedom  of your crew should  we sail through  restricted territory. Your campari to drink with  your crew  or  champagne to celebrate. Whatever you do, don’t lose  your esteban!


Bring: $1 (no coins please), 6 pack, flashlight and whistle

When: Thursday, June 5, 2014. 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme: 2nd Anal Life Aquatic Hash

Hare and Co-Hares: Pussy Whisker, Scouts on Her, Intents to Pee, Kiwiwiwi

Beer Hare: Bearly Blue

Start: Stalling Park at Laharpe and Paul Morphy St.

Pre-Lube Location: TBA

On-After Location: Seahorse Saloon, 1648 Gentilly Blvd, NOLA 70119

Dog Friendly?: Yes, but probably not on-after

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail?  I would recommend it. Ya never know when and where the hares will get you wet.

Hash Announcements!

Voodoo Monkey  IV – Save the Date! November 21-23

Voodoo Happi Coats – Want a nifty Purple and Black Voodoo Happi Coat to put your patches on? We are taking pre-orders now for the next order of coats (we need a minimum of 12) $40 cash only paid in advance. See Under Cummer for more info. (sizes are Asian so definitely try on someone’s to get a good idea of sizing).

Voodoo Red Skirt Run Hare (8/7/14) Selection – July 1st, 2014. Interested hares please contact Texticle Teaser or email

New Orleans RDR – August 8 -10th price goes up on the 1st of each month!

DC RDR – October 11th rego is up on hashspace!

CSH3 Jazz Funeral – Save the Date, October 17-19, 2014


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