# 276- Halloween-Slut it up, bitches.

So no surprise that a TWOT and Lick Her Twice trail is gonna be as slutty as can be.  Time to pull out the garter belts, short skirts, banana hammocks and show some skin and slut it up!

BRING: $1 hash cash, 6 beers for the beer cooler, flashlight, whistle (bug spray is probably a good idea too!)

Hareraiser note: Next week is the 5th annual Black Dress Run, black dress is mandatory so get shopping or be ready to borrow a little black dress.

Date: 10/25/2012
Theme: Halloween- Slut it up, bitches.
Start: Banks Street Bar 4401 Banks Street New Orleans 70119
Hare and Co-Hares: Lick Her Twice and T.W.O.T.
Beer Hare: Antaphylactic Cock
Pre-Lube Location: Banks Street Bar
On-After Location: TBA

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One Reply to “# 276- Halloween-Slut it up, bitches.”

  1. TidyBowlMan says:

    Awesome, I hope that your trail doesn’t cross my Sunday Costume Trail… Fuckers! LOL! TBM

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