203- Bastille Day


This Thursday marks the historic day that VooDoo is running it’s #203 hash. Well and also the start of the French Revolution. And to honor that we are going to act French. No we aren’t going to the Quarter silly, we are going to where they are uptight and snooty like the French, Uptown. And as an added bonus I hear there is going to be shiggy. Now your asking “Shiggy in Uptown?” It could very well be a soccer field (USA! USA! USA!). So sharpen you guillotine, fry those potato sticks, don’t shave, and starch your white flag, then get ready and go hashing!

Theme: Bastille Day!  Red, White and Blue…   French Theme

Hare is: TidyB.

Start: Corner of NAPOLEON AVE & ST. CHARLES AVE…Neutral Ground by the  Historic Sign
Same Hash Time(6:30 show, 7:00 GO), Same Hash requirements, BRING; What YOU are DRINKING, a dollar, flashlight, whistle, costume, shiggy socks, and a fun attitude!!!

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