Hash Trash – Pretty in Pink.

So since this was probably 8 Lays double day she couldn’t make it to the hash. If you didn’t cum, or if you did cum you might not know that the trail was completely opposite of our hares, Long. Yes it was long and only I, a Virgin, and a few Just Wankers completed TT. To them I say whip it out (or stick “it” in for Just Sarah) and have a good ol time. Bumble Tard and Skin Whistle led us through old Metry and probably scared the shit out of some rich bastards. That might be why the Jeff Parish 5-”OH YAAAA” decided to make sure that we weren’t raping or pilliging shit; like vikings with horns on our heads. Circle for all I know was Every Thing Butt Sex, with people yelling all around. But what I do remember is go to the VooDoo Gear part of the website to place an order (or interest if there are enough hashers)for Happi Coats and to suggest colors for Shiggy Socks; Voodoo-Gear. Yes I know that I posted a link to the site that you are probably on right now but, I figured that you Wankers don’t know how to blow whistles or kick checks so I will lead you right to the goods.And remember Texas Crab Hash is this cumming weekend. go to the website at Texas Crab Hash, and keep you eyes open and up here for the black dress run; cant remember the date sorry.

On another note Oktoberfest is the next few weeks. Support Deutsches Haus by eating good beer and drinking good food; or something like that. Deutsches Haus

May The Hash Get A Piece,
Eyes Up Here

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