Hobo’s having a party! That’s right, little wankerlings, she expects you to spend your New Year’s Eve in Mid-City Hashing with the Voodoo, with beer, booze, a plethora of snackies, and FIRE to follow.
“FIRE, you say, Hobo?”
The Hash is an annual prelude to the lighting of the Mid-City Bonfire at Midnight on New Year’s Eve (a brisk ten minute walk from the house, if that). So, avoid the shitty disaster that will be the Frat-Boy-laden French Quarter the day before the Sugar Bowl, and bring (six of) your favorite post-Hash tipples, that sweaty dollar you earned at Dixie Divas last night, a flashlight, and a GODDAMNED WHISTLE to help ring (or whistle) in the New Year (the one where the Saints go to the Superbowl). ‘Nuff said.
Fuck City Hall. They have decided that since we, the residents of Mid-City, haven’t been able to raise the $10K in NOFD and NOPD fees in three days time, then we don’t get our Bonfire. Fuck ’em. We don’t need their regulated fun. So, if anybody has any suggestions about building a small, unregulated fire in our backyard by which to dance around, let us know. Or if anybody has a small, portable fire pit that we might borrow, again, let us know. Regardless, there WILL BE A FIRE. We have sheet metal and starter logs. THIS WILL HAPPEN. And, no, the hostess is NOT freaking out. If nobody shows, we’ll understand, and will have to drown ourselves in sorrow with all of the deliciously boozy alcohol we’ve bought for y’all. Sad…
Hare: Hobo Rodeo
When: 6:30pm, December 31st (that’s New Year’s Eve for the chronologically Fuck-Tarded)
Where: 4222 Banks St. in Mid-City
Theme: Party Attire, Hash Attire, Father Time, or the New Year’s Baby
Costs: $1 and a Six-Pack