S4Gs Going Away Party


Spermin for Germans (formerly Just Jon) has finally been named and is returning to his loverly New Jersey on Wednesday. He wanted to do a BBQ after work and Tidy Bowl Man offered his house. All are welcome!

He will supply you with some food, some drinks but suggests that you might want to bring sides, or things for the grill.

TBM will offer the same in food, beer, and alcohol…All are welcome to come. Most of you have been to his house before and for those of you that have not, well, it is very easy to find.

3825 Leila Place
Jefferson, LA. 70121

Jeff hwy between Causeway and Central, turn opposite side of Hwy from river, make the first left, and 6th house on Right.
TBM will probably cook chili or beans and rice …. feel free to bring a dish or not. Hope to see you all there.

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