#108 Hash Trash


This weeks circle started out as #96 did – with our 3 hares ( Indickcision, Penis Fly Crap, Just Dave (who was caught!) ) sitting on ice, so I won’t go on and on about the quality of last night’s trail.

But the circle. Ohh, the circle ladies and gents. Apparently the hares didn’t feel that the trail was bad enough, so they decided to pick a lousy ON-IN. They decided to cram ~50 in a teeny tiny little wedge of Earth between 9th and Harmony just off Magazine St, where the New Orleanians with the smallest sense of humor live.

So, we moved to a hare-recommended location, the Redezvous around the corner. FAIL.

I ended up just standing atop a fire hydrant and closing out the “circle”, and we headed back to Parasol’s with our coolers. I guess we never should have left the “A”.

And, we had some distinguished an naughty special guests – hashers from West Palm Beach who came to NOLA simply to eat and drink. If you didn’t know, they were in the news recently:

Oh! We also had two namings!

Just Jon, now known as “Spermin’ for Germans”

Spermin for Germans

Just Dave (the disastrous hare), now known as “Puppy Love Machine”

Puppy Love Machine

Let’s just hope that next week’s hares have their shit together.

Pastor Bait-Her

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One Reply to “#108 Hash Trash”

  1. Lack-A-Virgin Hey! says:

    Weird, we’ve used that location for beer stops numerous times before. But we’ve never used it for a circle.

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