Hash Trash

Note: I know Hash Trash has been lacking. That’s because we use to have a pretty decent hash scribe that went by the name of 8 lays a week. Unfortunately, her tits have shrunk and vagina has dried up and bitch can’t cum for shit anymore. Until I see her at a hash again, I will only refer to her as 0 lays a week. In the meantime, you get to enjoy my bad grammer and vulgarities. I gotta admit, when Puppy Love Machine said we were running in the East, I was so nervous you would have thought I … Continue ReadingHash Trash

Hash Trash – I’m naked underneath

Ya know for a Naked Theme, I surprisingly only saw one pair of tits the entire trail (thank you Lick A Lotta Cock, those are some Damn Good Tits). Even Enough Already was covered from head to toe! So last night Wax On Whacks Off and Just Aaron “Eyes up here” took us on a long predictably lay through Mid City and City Park area. I’m pretty sure Whacks off laid a similar trail on his virgin lay not tooo long ago if I remember correctly, that cemetery looked verrry familiar…. but with 8 lays a week who can remember … Continue ReadingHash Trash – I’m naked underneath