Thursday Thursday Thursday! We’re off to the races to commemorate Twerkin’s 39th lap around the sun! and their 10th since joining the hash (shout out to my mother kennel Duschanbe H3)! and 19 years in the US Air Force! As such, your tired old shoe rubber will get a rest this week, and should be replaced by rubber on wheels!
That’s right nerds! You heard it here first! Thursday the 14th’s trail will be a mother-lickin BASH! Bring your bike, bring your skateboard, or bring your razer scooter! If its got up to two wheels and is not gas powered, you can do trail with it for one day only at the voodoo hash! If you do not have wheels, the Blue bike app has bikes to rent in the area of A. The hare will be bringing a very long bike lock to help lock them all up while we are in the bars.
Bring: bike/skateboard/scooter, 1 American dollar, 6-pack (no glass please), whistle, money and IDs for bars, Flashlight, Helmets and tight shorts encouraged, AS IS ALL OF THE REFLECTIVE GEAR.
Date: Thursday April 14th
Time: 6:30pm show, 7 pm go
Start: Neutral ground on the corner of Magazine and Louisiana
Theme: It’s a Birthday BASH! Wear your sluttiest lance Armstrong outfit? Maybe one of those little hats?
Hare: Everybody’s Twerkin For The Weekend! (Sing my name!)
Beer Hare: Bar stops only
Dog friendly: does your dog like to chase bikes?
Pre Lube: Dat Dog
On after: QiQi
Anything else needed on trail? A lack of dignity.
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