Trail #713 – 9th Anal German Sparkle Party

Date: Thursday, May 7th

Time: trail ready between 4-5pm

Theme: 9th Anal German Sparkle Party

Start Address: TBD upt & midcity (read description)

Hare & Co-hares: RETARDIS, Conjugal Visitor

Ja! It is again that time of year to pah-ty pah-ty. Just, ya know, from a safe distance. There will be two short trails, one located uptown, one in mid city. Clues to the start of each trail will be poated on Thursday when the trails go live around 4/5pmish. You have to figure out the locations from our clues. Keep an eye out for some sparkly trail treasure too. Please make Angela Merkel proud and don’t run trail in groups. Social D that shit.

Later we hope to see everyone in their sparkle party best for zoom circle. 

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