Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight
Date: Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017
Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!
Theme: Baby It’s Cold Outside: Wear something cozy (onesie, leg warmers, another hasher, whatever keeps you warm)
Start Address: 605 Mazant St., New Orleans, LA 70117
Hare & Co-hares: Woody Poke Her
Beer hare: Moist of All
Pre-Lube: BJ’s Lounge **note cash only bar** (4301 Burgundy St, New Orleans, LA 70117)
On-After: Bar Redux (801 Poland Ave, New Orleans, LA 70117) **Come see ¿Quesa-Did-Her? playing at Bar Redux after trail. You deserve a treat! Info. below.**
Dog Friendly: trail should be ok, bars not so much
Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? You will need your flashlight, don’t forget it. You may want your shiggy socks.
Approx. -l-l-l–> length: True trail will be between 4 and 5 miles, unless I’m tired; turkey/eagle split likely.
Trail is A to A+++
I believe we did not do awards last week so we should be doing them this week?
Don’t forget about the VDH3 Christmas Party, hosted at a new location this year – The Rendon Inn!
Info on the Facebook event:
Erections will also be held at this event. You MUST ATTEND in person to vote.
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