Trail # 431 – 3rd Anal Life Aquatic Hash! Pussy Whisker

3rd life aquatic


Bring your interns and adventure on the 3rd Anal Life Aquatic Pussy Whisker Hash. We hunt the jaguar shark, elusive and deadly in its beauty. We will work through our daddy issues. Join team zissou! Attire is Team Zissou blue and red caps, unless you’re an intern (virgin) or you can go topless. Just watch out for pirates…

Bring: $1 (no coins please), a 6-pack , flashlight, & whistle.

Date: Thursday June 4th, 2015 6:30 pm meet, 7:00 pm Go!

Theme: 3rd Anal Life Aquatic Hash

Hares (s):  Pussy Whisker

Beer Hare: Fucked by Mapquest

Start: Seahorse Saloon, 1648 Gentilly Blvd, New Orleans LA 70119

Prelube: Seahorse Saloon

On-After: Somebodies house with a pool, ask yo friends

Dog Friendly: You left your dog!

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear or anything specific needed for trail?

Hash Announcements

Hash Awards this Thursday at circle!

Voodoo Hareraising – June 10th at noon. First cum, First serve, dates available for July and August (excluding the date of Red Skirt) will be posted on FB at noon, you may post on the thread or email and date requests will be filled in as quickly as possible. Got questions, feel free to message Texticle Teaser on FB or email at before the hareraising date.

Voodoo Monkey VSeptember 18-20, 2015 in New Orleans! Rego is up! First 69 to rego get the $69 rego price then it goes up! Hash hotel info has been posted on the event page, email if you need to be added or get a fellow wanker on the event page to add you!

New Orleans Red Dress Run – August 7-9 for hashers! Rego earlier rather than later!

Alabama Interhash – August 21st – 23rd, go here for more info and rego.


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