Who wears shorts short? Here in NOLA, men do.

Yeah, so I’m lagging on my own hash trash. Here in New Orleans, partying doesn’t stop after the hash and especially when Krewe du Vieux kicked off Carnival parading season this past Saturday. So how would one rate my haring hiatus with Non Stop Oral? Well actually, we don’t give a damn what you think BUT if you think you can do better, hare then! For the others who are on the fence about haring, here are a few tips I picked up from fellow hashers. 1) Be creative but try to keep it legal 2) Don’t color your flour (I thought with constructions and/or trash on the street, it would be helpful to distinguish the flour but it doesn’t work effectively) 3) Adding glitter or colorful confetti to the flour may help on shiggy or pavement runs 4) When you can’t find flour, look on the sidewalks, trees, post, middle of the street, all four corners of intersection, under your bum, whatever 5) Do not cross trail or you will pay 6) 10pm is the city ordinance cutoff time for certain decibel level. So whatever loser, lifeless, and layless neighbor calls the cops/rent-a-cop at your ON IN can suck it 7) Use lots of hash mark!

Without further ado, here are some Thurs “ghetto country” pics from that perfect running weather we haven’t had in awhile. Remember, a few weeks ago we were running in icy sleet.

Got their drinking vessel

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