VooDoo #104 – My Name is Jack …

NecrophiliaI’m a big scrapey/not-bendy/sore from my post Saints game shenanigans the other evening (I swear to God I’ll pistol-whip the next guy that says ‘shenanigans‘), so instead of something resembling cleverness, I’ll instead treat you to a song:

My name is Jack (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
I’m a Necrophiliac (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
I fuck dead women (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
And I fill ’em full of jism (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
I get frustrated (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
When they’re cremated (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
‘Cause try as you must (nah nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah)
You can’t fuck dust!

So there you go – don’t say I never do anything for you.

Hares: Licks ‘Em Young  and Just Jarvis (Virgin Lay!)
When: October 29th, 6:30 pm
Where: Rosedale Dr. and City Park Ave. Park on City Park Ave. – not in Delgado’s parking lot.
Theme: Halloween / Zombie / Necrophilia

As always, the hash costs $1 and a six pack. If you don’t bring beer, we’ll look at you funny, and reluctantly accept $6 instead. If you don’t bring a flashlight and a whistle, well, it’s Halloween week. Nobody will find you for a while.

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