Trail #653 – “HALF-BAKED YEAST INFECTION DOWN UNDA VI: The Quest for Higher Ground” – What’s Warm & Q.E. Oui Oui

In 2014 four people (who were “just friends”) met at Winston’s and between them conceived a trail that would become known as the first ever HALF-BAKED YEAST INFECTION DOWN UNDA. Virgin hares Warmy, Gangers and “Dave” under the sage tutelage of Meows put down a trail through the back roads of Old Meterie.

In 2015 they said it couldn’t be done. They told Warmy he was crazy, they said it was too hard, that not everyone could get to the top of the mountain. Warmy asked the important question
“who can’t make it to the top”
And they said “Dave, he is on crutches”
Warmy’s response was as appropriate then as it was now – I’m not worried about Dave
And make it to the top he did, on 3 legs (on crutches you perv, get your mind out of the crutch). When he was up, he was up, and when he was down he was down, and when he was only half way up, he took a slash (see attached picture).

In 2017 the highest of highs were reached when trail fell on 4/20, and there was much rejoicing.

And now in 2019, for the first time, trail falls on the 25th of April otherwise known as ANZAC Day. So come if you dare to:

The Quest for Higher Ground

Bring: $1 (no coins); 6-pack (glass discouraged), whistle, flashlight

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2019

Time: 6:30pm show, 7:00pm GO!


Start Address: LaBorde Mountian, Couturie Forest, City Park (Approx. 1009 Harrison Ave., NOLA 70124 – look for signs to the start from Harrison)

Hare & Co-hares: What’s Warm & Q.E. Oui Oui

Beer hare: TBD

Pre-Lube: Parlay’s (870 Harrison Ave., NOLA 70124)

On-After: Parlays

Dog Friendly: Trail yes, on after no.

Is a dry bag, shiggy gear, or anything specific needed for trail? It’s in city park and there has been a fair bit of rain, there is no intent to get you wet and dirty (or is there), but we cant help it if you do ;)

Approx. -l-l-l–> length: 4 separate trails (4+ miles depending on how many you choose to do)

Trail is A to A to A to A to A

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