More on the Camp Out

From Fill Me Up:

OK Wankers!!!! The Voodoo campout is just around the corner. Mail in regos must be postmarked by Mar 1 and I cannot guarantee gimmies unless you register by Mar 5. Paypal is linked to the rego on the Voodoo website @ Cash regos are accepted up to the day of the event but the cost goes up to $60 if you show up and want to dance around a fire or two or run a trail or two without early rego. We have about 17 signed up but I’m still waiting on payment from a few wankers. If you do not pay me by the 5th, you forfeit your gimmies to those who paid first.

Remember there is a $11 tent fee (not included in the rego cost) no matter how many are in the tent. Park rangers occasionally pass by to check. If you plan to share a tent with someone make sure whoever arrives at the park first, gives the tentmate’s names to the park office.

If you want anything special like “Hot Sex”, you must bring it yourself. Kegs will be provided as will food. I will provide some TP, so if you like to wipe your tush with a lot of cushion, bring extra TP. There is a bathroom with a mirror for those who have to look pretty all weekend. The shower area is about 2 miles away and are pretty nice. The area is rustic so don’t expect air conditioning or heaters. BUG SPRAY is a must. We had mosquitoes even in the cold. Earplugs are suggested for those who like to go to bed at a decent time as many of our group like to stay up until late hours of the morning.

I would also suggest packing for both warm and cold as it gets chilly when the sun goes down. Bring your chair as there is nowhere to sit other than the ground or in your tent or on someone’s lap.
If anyone else can think of anything helpful please add to the list.

Can’t wait to have a great time!!!!

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3 Replies to “More on the Camp Out”

  1. Mason says:

    I think I will have to work the Friday of the campout. Does someone have proper conveyance to tote my 2 canopys? I can meet someone in the week to transfer them.I wont be there till probably 8 or 9 pm. You will probably want to utilize them Friday morning. If not, I can certainly bring them Friday night.
    Your humble servant, WET BLOW

  2. dickie says:

    Can someone show me on a map exactly where we are camping, as well as the entrance to the park? Specifically somebody like Pastor, who knows what im talking about.

  3. Oral Imp says:

    WHOOOOREEEEEEEEEEE’S!!!!!!! I have my bottle of Hot Sex and I hope it cums out my nose again this year!! I have the fart book ready and the bull shit button is all charged up!!! Oh and if I remember I will bring some six packs of beer for the prisoners for their wood!!!!! If I forget, we can always stop off at the little store down the road that has LIVE CRICKETS playing!!!!

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